transaction program

英 [trænˈzækʃn ˈprəʊɡræm] 美 [trænˈzækʃn ˈproʊɡræm]

网络  事务程序; 事务处理程序; 交易程序



  1. One project I developed had financial data at the detail grain transaction level and program accomplishments at a day grain level.
  2. In this model, the container will not automatically commit or roll back the transaction; it is up to the developer to program this behavior in the Java method performing the database updates.
  3. A transaction can occur between a workstation and a program, two workstations, or two programs.
  4. The example for this exercise is a transaction management program.
  5. The optimized local adapter CICS link server running in CICS reads the XA transaction context and creates a new unit of work to run the specified native language program.
  6. The socialization of the contemporary child in the United States is a two-way transaction between parent and child rather than a one-way, parent-to-child training program.
  7. Screenwrite transaction program construction
  8. To counter the dependable and real-time question of data, presents a method for that is applied to real-time transaction concurrency control program control mechanism in real-time relation data base management system where data is communicated between the program control user exchanged machine and personal computer.
  9. The paper discusses the basic concepts of transaction mechanism and shows the way to write transaction program in MS SQL SERVER 2000.
  10. An instance of SQL server transaction program design
  11. Analyze the protocol and the transaction timing of Front Side Bus, write the HDL program of Front Side Bus.
  12. Relatively speaking, subject to the scarcity of transaction and limits of regulatory policy, the program trading is just beginning in domestic, and it is to be promoted mainly because of the listing of Stock index future.
  13. Furthermore, the transaction of water rights option for yellow river valley is designed in detail, including its organization, principle parts, agreement and program.
  14. It integrates the proposed transaction test program generation mechanism, transaction scheduling method and behavior scenarios consistence verification method between model level and transaction level.
  15. This system was designed primarily from the analysis of systematic platform, and selected a rational, effective and advanced technology programs (. Net+ Mysql+ GPRS). The data flow and transaction scheme of emissions trading program have been designed in detail.
  16. The man-machine interface program includes the refresh in time program of the liquid crystal display, real-time clock transaction program and the keyboard interrupt program.
  17. Core applications by transforming the host transaction fee program called generic online transactions and charges to achieve core business functions of integration.
  18. The feature of USB system, transaction processing format and the driver program successfully installed in system is discussed in the paper after that, USB interface can be used in MIS.
  19. In order for an enterprise to use hedging tools to lock cost or lock sales price, it has to have clear and correct transaction ideas in futures hedging market, witch is the hedging management program.
  20. The strategy model for market analysis will evolve into more complicated financial engineering and data exploitation, to gain profits by using the defects of efficacy in market transaction, and in the end gradually evolve into program trading which rely on financial technical instruments.